
学生开始他们的课程学习 专业基础. 这包括 domain and process of occupational therapy and the science of the human body that support occupational performance. Students advance to applying their knowledge during classroom and 实验室oratory experiences.

接下来的学期强调 职业投入:人与环境的契合. 这些课程包括 检查客户和环境因素 影响职业参与, including evidence that guides assessment and intervention strategies that promote occupational engagement considering typical development, 以及疾病的影响, 受伤, 或疾病.

学生从事 实地考察 that allows application and practice of principles from the classroom followed by guided reflection activities.

最后一年的高潮是从学生到实践者的过渡 博士顶点项目,综合考试,顶点体验. 这支持了通往专业实践的桥梁.

The OTD Program is delivered in a hybrid model with classes online and on-campus. Students are required to have access to technology/device with Microsoft Office software and access to internet connection. 设备是装有完整操作系统的电脑或平板电脑. 电脑或平板电脑使用Mac、Windows或iPad操作系统. Any current iPad must be compatible with Microsoft Surface Pro 4 or newer Surface Pro devices running Windows 10 and 11 will be compatible. 大学拥有的笔记本电脑可以在紧急情况下进行测试. 然而, it is the responsibility of the student to have a device that will allow for class and testing activities. 如有任何需要、担忧或帮助,请联系您的指导老师.

The following courses have been approved as the curriculum for the 职业治疗博士 Program.


OTD 520 OT Process: Analyzing Occupations for Individuals and Groups, 3 credits
OTD 530应用神经科学,4学分

OTD 550干预IA, 5学分
OTD 551干预IB, 5学分
批判性探究I, 3学分
OTD 560实地考察,Level IA, 3学分

OTD 580工作实践中的领导与管理,3学分


OTD 600干预IIA, 5学分
OTD 601干预IIB, 5学分
批判性探究II, 3学分
OTD 625奖学金一级,2学分
OTD 626顶点项目I, 1学分
OTD 630实习IB, 3学分

OTD 650干预IIIA, 4学分
OTD 651干预IIIB, 4学分
批判性探究III, 3学分
OTD 660实习水平IC, 3学分
OTD 675奖学金II, 2学分
OTD 676顶点项目II, 1学分

OTD 710博士毕业论文II, 2学分
OTD 725奖学金III(可选),2学分
OTD 726专题(可选),1-3学分


OTD 730野外实习二级,6学分
OTD 735野外实习二级,6学分

OTD 750顶点项目III, 2学分
OTD 800顶点经验,8学分



Students wanting to pursue a graduate degree in 职业治疗 come from several different undergraduate majors. 最受欢迎的是心理学, 社会学, 生物学, 人体表现与健康, 运动科学, 和体育管理. Certainly, other majors also pair well with 职业治疗 such as Music and Art.

同时满足申报专业的要求, students must also complete these OT prerequisites with a grade of C or higher and with a minimum combined GPA of at least 3.0(在4上).0规模).

所有先决条件的成绩必须在12月6日之前提供. 1 application deadline or September 15 if requesting consideration for an early admission decision. 标有星号的课程是例外.

解剖学/生理学I带实验室 杂志230年 4
解剖学/生理学II带实验室 杂志232年 4
医学术语(或能力) HS 250 1
寿命 212年心理学 3
统计数据 统计213 3
*伦理学或生物医学伦理学或THEO 326 PHIL 207或PHIL 310 3
社会科学300级以上 300级或以上 3
总学分 21

 *如申请普通入学课程, Ethics may be taken after the application deadline but must be completed prior to beginning the OTD coursework.



The 技术标准 will inform you of the performance expectations of the 职业治疗博士 (OTD) Program and will assist you in determining if you may need accommodations.

These 技术标准 apply to the entire OTD curriculum and may include activities held in the classroom, 实验室会议, 和/或在临床实习期间. Students must be able to demonstrate the skills required of all curricular activities, 有或没有合理的安排.  A 原因able accommodation is intended to reduce the effects that a disability may have on a students' performance. 住宿不会降低课程标准或改变学位要求, 但要给学生一个更好的机会来展示他们的能力. 

圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 is accredited by the 认证 Council for 职业治疗 Education (ACOTE). 以下acte标准支持技术标准的解释.3.4 Criteria for successful completion of each segment of the educational program and for graduation must be given in advance to each student. A.3.6 Students must be informed of and have access to the student support services that are provided to other students in the institution. 

引用:  美国职业治疗协会(2020). 职业治疗实践框架:领域与过程(第4版). 马里兰州贝塞斯达:AOTA出版社.  职业技术教育认证委员会(2018). 标准和解释性准则. 

技术标准  通用能力: 学生必须具备功能性的认知运用能力, 物理, 以及包括视觉在内的情感系统, 触摸, 嗅觉和听觉才能融为一体, 分析, and synthesize information in an accurate manner to safely gather information necessary to effectively assess and treat clients. 

观察: 学生必须能够现场观察, 模拟, 或者在教室里录制演示, 实验室, 和诊所. 这可能包括学生对学生, 学生对教师/主管, 或者学生与客户的互动和电影, ppt和其他形式的视觉演示. 

交流: The student must be able to communicate effectively in verbal and non-verbal formats with a variety of individuals and professionals. 这些人可能包括客户, 家庭成员, 护理人员, 医疗保健或教育团队的成员, 或者其他学生. 这种交流可以发生在个人或团体的基础上. (沟通可以由语言和非语言方式组成,包括讲话, 写作, 阅读, 解释表格和图表, 以及计算机知识). 

知识: The student must be able to develop and refine problem-solving and critical 原因ing skills that are crucial to the practice of occupational therapy. 智力可能包括测量的能力, 计算, 原因, 分析, 反思和综合课程和其他课本中的材料, 期刊, 健康记录, client interviews 和诊所al observations to make decisions that reflect effective clinical judgment. 

感觉及运动功能: The student must elicit information from clients as well as provide direct occupational therapy services that could include, 但不限于:自我护理培训, 认知重新训练, 一般理家, 工作和正规买球平台有哪些再培训, 定位技术, 功能的移动, 转移, 运动范围和运动技巧, 辅助技术和心肺复苏. 学生必须能够保持平衡, 有足够的姿势控制能力吗, 神经肌肉控制, 以及手眼协调能力, and to possess the 物理 and mental stamina to meet the demands associated with extended periods of sitting, 站, 弯曲, 蹲, moving and 物理 exertion required for satisfactory performance in clinical and classroom settings. 

行为和人际属性: The student must possess the emotional skills required for full use of his or her intellectual abilities, the exercise of good judgment and the prompt completion of all responsibilities in the classroom setting as well as the clinical environment. 道德的发展, 成熟的, sensitive effective and professional relationships with patients and members of the health care team is essential. Students must be able to tolerate 物理ly taxing workloads and to function effectively under stress. 他们必须能够适应不断变化的环境, to display flexibility and learn to function in the face of uncertainties inherent in the clinical problems of patients. 灵活性, 同情, 同理心, 完整性, 有效的人际交往技巧, and concern for others are personal qualities that are desired in health professionals. Students should also exhibit timeliness and resourcefulness to meet deadlines and to be successful in a variety of settings. 

*实地考察 sites may have additional technical standards beyond those pertaining to the OTD curriculum. 实习地点决定实习轮岗期间的住宿安排. Students requesting accommodations are required to notify disabilities services and academic fieldwork coordinator prior to fieldwork placements.

寻求住宿的学生可以在任何时候这样做. 关于获得住宿过程的完整信息, 以及可能需要的其他文件, 可向无障碍资源中心办公室索取. 

无障碍资源中心 563-333-6275, ARC@brandonmchose.com, Cosgrove Hall,低层,518 W. 加州达文波特市蝗虫街,邮编52803 


Jill Schmidt, OTD,项目主席兼主管

518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52804




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